Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Maxbizz is a values-driven consulting agency dedicated.



+256 782 446015

Plot 930, Bweyogerere-Namugongo Road, Bbuto, Kira Municipality

kenwill@kenwillinternational.org, robwaswaga@gmail.com

our team

Our Skilled Leaders

We help you see the world differently, discover opportunities you may never have imagined and achieve results that bridge what is with what can be.

Robert Waswaga
Team Leader/Managing consultant

Profile: Robert has over 20 years of experience in development practice. He has provided consultancy services in monitoring and evaluation for 15 years. He has carried out over 89 project/programme evaluations; 48 baseline surveys; developed 16 strategic plans; carried out over 47 organisational assessments; conducted 13 feasibility studies of social development and large scale infrastructure projects (10 Roads, 2 Power Evacuation; 1 drainage and 2 social development projects); three policy analysis assignments/studies; developed three programmes; developed ten M&E systems/plans; facilitated a review of an M&E system and conducted over scores of trainings on different issues (citizen participation, M&E, advocacy, governance, proposal writing and reporting writing).
He has provided consultancy services to over 50 Government and Non-Governmental agencies. Some of the clients include Government of Uganda, Norwegian Refugee Council(NRC) South Sudan, World Vision International (Uganda, South Sudan and DR Congo), Build Africa Uganda, Save the Children International, ChildFund International (Uganda), SightSavers, Plan International, International Institute of Rural Reconstruction, HelpAge International, Belgium Technical Cooperation and Emerging Markets (now Cardino Emerging Market – USAID grant managers), AMREF Health Africa (Uganda Office), Dustche Wulter Hunger Hilfe South Sudan and War Child Holland.

Education: Currently a student of Master of Philosophy in Programme Evaluation at University of Cape Town, South Africa; Holds Masters of Arts in Economic Policy Management; Bachelors of Arts Degree (Economics/Social Anthropology)-Second Class Upper Division; Has Professional training in Development evaluation (University of Carleton, Canada); Professional Certificate in Investment Appraisal and Risk Analysis (Queen’s University; Canada), and Other certificates in policy advocacy, organizational development and computer applications among others.

Countries worked in: Uganda, South Sudan, DR Congo, Kenya and Tanzania

Tito Waswaga
Business Development Manager

Profile: Tito is a qualified economist with over eight years of professional experience in participatory research. Tito has been an assistant/associate consultant for over 28 assignments. He has vast experience in participatory research for 8 years. He is well grounded on the core concepts related to Food Security and Livelihoods; Economic development; Familiarity with Sustainable Livelihood Framework for contextual analysis of food security issues. Besides this, Tito has experience working in fragile context like South Sudan. He has previously worked in South Sudan on two occasions while working for World Vision South Sudan and VSF-Suisse South Sudan. Tito has vast experience in programming work with NGO and rehabilitation context. In addition, Tito is excellent in mobile data collection applications (platforms) like ODK, Kobo Toolbox and ONA. Furthermore, Tito has enormous Experience in conducting quantitative and qualitative research, data collection, analysis and reporting. He has very strong background in monitoring and evaluation. He is very knowledgeable on food security and livelihood, nutrition and WASH programming. He is excellent at communication skills, especially ability to write clearly in English.

Education: Bachelor’s degree in Economics and Management of Uganda Christian University (Second Class Upper Division with honours); Postgraduate Diploma in Monitoring and Evaluation of Uganda Management Institute (ongoing) certificate in Monitoring and Evaluation from Uganda Management Institute.

Countries worked in: Uganda, South Sudan
